Why parents choose Be Kind

Be Kind Gastouderservice is based in Amsterdam and offers childminding services. We select our childminders with the utmost care. We prioritise quality above quantity. We believe in personal contact with parents and our childminders.


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Personcal care

We listen and take your wishes and preferences seriously. Thanks to our years of experience, we can find the perfect match. The care given to your child is monitored and evaluated.


Be Kind is financially healthy. We are an approved agency, and are inspected by the Public Health Service of Amsterdam (GGD) annually. Our childminders comply with the statutory requirements and our own additional screening protocol.

It’s all about the child

Your child’s welfare is the primary focus of our services. Our pedagogical policy, which is followed by our childminders, describes how your child’s care is safeguarded.

Join us as a childminder? Meet the kindest and friendliest agency in Amsterdam!

Agency fees

The cost structure of our childminding services: the monthly fee for your childminder(s) (the number of hours multiplied by the hourly rate), plus the monthly agency fee for Be Kind Gastouderservice.

What do the agency fees cover?
We ensure that Be Kind Gastouderservice and our childminders comply with the requirements of the Dutch Childcare Act.
We mediate between the parent(s) and the childminder(s) during the entire care period.
We arrange the invoicing and payments to the childminders.

In other words, we are also accountable for providing responsible childcare and maintaining correct administrative records.



  • Fee per month for the 1st child from the same family
  • € 70 per month for the 2nd child from the same family
  • € 0 for the 3rd child from the same family. No agency fee is due
  • Register below
    We will contact you as soon as possible for an intake interview. The intake is free of charge.


  • This is the fee per month per family, regardless of the number of children
  • € 75 per month for a second childminder(s)
  • Enjoy the convenience of a childminder(s) in your own home!
  • Register below
    We will contact you as soon as possible for an intake interview. The intake is free of charge.

Meet the team at Be Kind

Our experienced team is here to support you and your children: we are both mothers who blend our business skills with our maternal instincts.

Tamara Ephraïm

Tamara Ephraïm founded Be Kind Gastouderservice in 2011. Her wide experience in business services and hotel management, and her joy at being a mother, have been channelled into Be Kind.

Razia Ballantine

Razia Ballantine has many years of experience as a childminder from her own home as well as at the parents' home. She also worked in the financial administration. This is a nice addition to the work of Be Kind.

What do our clients say about Be Kind Gastouderservice?

Read what the parents who trust Be Kind Gastouderservice say about our services.
Public Health Service of Amsterdam

Public Health Service of Amsterdam


Contact with various childminders reveals that they are extremely satisfied with the supervision and mediation provided by Be Kind. The childminders are visited several times a year by one of the mediators. This team is always available and shows a high level of personal commitment. Be Kind organises meetings and training for childminders several times a year; the childminder highly appreciate this effort. Source: GGD inspection report 2019

Priscilla Kranenborg

Priscilla Kranenborg


I have worked as a childminder at Be Kind since 2013. In my role as a childminder(s) and an entrepreneur, I feel a strong sense of support in all aspects of childminding. This includes training, personal contact, advice on pedagogical issues and business aspects. The quality offered by Be Kind matches the vision of my own company Littleguesthouse. Together we represent high quality and loving childcare.

Thalysia K.

Thalysia K.


All the childminders at Be Kind are incredibly involved and professional. Be Kind thinks with parents from their perspective and offers solutions. Contact is always smooth and positive! Be Kind really has the best interests of everyone at heart. Be Kind always listens to your concerns as a parent and takes you seriously. That’s so positive! As a member of the parents’ committee, I look behind the scenes and am asked to contribute to policy amendments, for example.


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Our address

Lumièrestraat 90 | 1087 KH | Amsterdam

Call us

Tamara: 06 21 10 86 86 

Contact us by email


Opening hours 09.00 tot 17.00 hrs Monday to Friday

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