Health and safety are the top priority with childminder(s) care. Similar to playgroups and nurseries, our locations are strictly supervised by the Public Health Service (GGD) and Be Kind Gastouderservice. A Health and Safety Risk Inventory and Evaluation is a complex and extensive and consists of much more than simply placing a stair gate. Childcare must not be provided without this RIE. You can download the RIE for your childminder(s) in your digital environment.
Child abuse is attracting plenty of media attention – and rightly so. Unfortunately, child abuse is more common than you think. Be Kind Gastouderservice has a Child Abuse Protocol. You can contact us at any time if you suspect child abuse.
An independent report of the GGD inspection of your childminder(s) and Be Kind Gastouderservice can be found on Under the tab ‘parents’ is a link to the inspection reports of the childminder(s)s. You will be directed to the overview of the childminder(s)s of Be Kind Inspection Report GGD 26-11-2019. Click on the name of the respective childminder(s) to access the available inspection reports on the right.
The regular evaluations with the parents are an important way of ensuring safety while children are in the care of childminder(s)s. Together we also discuss whether the expectations regarding the care of your child are being met and whether there are any points of attention. The annual care evaluation is a statutory requirement, but Be Kind Gastouderservice also considers this as a valuable contact moment to determine whether the care being provided is safe, healthy and enjoyable for you as a parent – and of course your child!
Any questions? Please feel free to contact us!